Bite with light, steady pressure for 1 hour on the gauze placed in your mouth in our office. Mild bleeding after surgery is normal. If you still have bleeding after 3-4 hours, raise your head higher than the rest of your body. Then bite with firm pressure on a moist gauze pad or a wet tea bag for 20 minutes. If bleeding does not stop call 212-960-8919
Do not eat for 2 hours following your root canal, this will help ensure a more comfortable recovery period. During this time, the temporary filling will set to a necessary hardness. Remember to only eat soft foods during this time period, and follow all instructions provided by your dentist. Whenever possible, chew on the side of the mouth opposite the root canal. You can continue to floss and brush normally.
Call Harmony Dental Arts at 212-960-8919 if you experience any of the following complications:
Your crown or permanent restoration should be put in place shortly following a root canal at our Clifton, NJ office.
Please refrain from eating at least for 2 hours and until the anesthesia has worn off
A temporary is a crown or bridge that is placed on the prepared teeth while the final restoration is being made. It protects the exposed dentin so it is not sensitive, prevents food and bacteria from collecting on prepared teeth, and prevents the tooth from shifting and moving, which can make seating of the final restoration more difficult.
Temporaries are weaker than permanents. As a result, temporaries have the tendency to fall off or break. If this occurs, Fixodent™ (Denture Adhesive) can restore the temporary before you visit us for an appointment. It’s important to keep the temporary in your mouth so the restoration process isn’t delayed.
Once we have restored your teeth with tooth-colored materials, these restorations will serve you well for several years. The resin (plastic) material used contains small “filler” particles of glass-like material for strength and wear resistance. They contain the finest and most up-to-date materials available today.
However, you should be aware of the following information about your new restorations:
When a tooth has a cavity the dentist removes the decay and fills the hole with filling material, the tooth supports the filling. The ideal filling is no more than 50% of the tooth. This leaves half the tooth to support the filling. When you get a cavity that takes up 60%or more of the tooth, a crown is indicated. A crown covers the entire tooth and holds the tooth together.
The following suggestions are presented to assist you in learning to use and properly care for a new denture.
Sore Spots: Usually, your mouth will have a few “sore spots” after wearing the denture/partial for 24 hours. These areas can be relieved with very little effort during your next appointment.
Speaking: Learning to speak with your new dentures in place requires some patience and perseverance. Reading aloud is a very good way to enunciate distinctly, especially those sounds or words that are not clear.
Chewing: The new bite may not feel completely comfortable for several weeks. We can adjust the contacting surfaces of your teeth after the dentures/partials have settled into place.
Hygiene of the Dentures/Partials and your Mouth: It is extremely important to clean your dentures by using a denture brush and a mild toothpaste. Periodic denture soaks once a week are also very useful (ex: Polident). We recommend leaving your partials out of your mouth at least for 6 hours and soaking in water. Food particles that are trapped under the denture can cause the inflammation of the gums and sore spots. Food particles will stick to the soft tissue of your mouth; it is beneficial to brush the roof of your mouth and your tongue daily. Massaging and stimulating those tissues will reduce the incidence of inflammation and sore spots.
Partials only: Use special care to clean parts of the partial that contact any natural teeth. Both the partial and the natural teeth must be kept very clean on a daily basis to reduce the chance of new dental decay starting.
Be sure to check your dentures at least once annually as changes in the mouth, such as bone loss, and a wearing of the teeth will inevitably occur. Careful maintenance of the dentures and the supporting soft tissues will help to slow down these changes.
We have done our best to provide you with well-fitted, functional, and esthetic dentures/partials. We feel confident that after a few weeks of becoming adjusted to the new dentures/partials, you will have years of satisfaction from them. Over time, your jawbone and gums shrink when there are teeth missing. When this occurs, your dentures/partials will feel loose and may require relining. Wearing ill-fitting dentures/partials for too long without refitting can cause severe bone loss and very serious oral disease. Please call our office if these symptoms occur.
You have finished a very important phase of your implant treatment, and now it is time to begin the healing process. It is important to understand that some discomfort, swelling, and bruising is normal.
Every patient is different and there is no way of predicting if you will experience any of these symptoms. The medications that have been prescribed to you will help keep you comfortable for the next few days.
Refrain from eating for at least 2 hours and until the anesthesia has worn off.
Several days after treatment your gums should begin to appear pinker, less swollen, and will bleed less when you floss. These are signs of healing and improving periodontal health. If you have any questions or problems, please call our office. 212-960-8919
To remove tartar and bacterial plaque build-up from under the gumline, our Clifton, NJ dentists use advanced ultrasonics and instruments to perform scaling and root planing therapy. This helps reduce periodontal pockets to levels maintainable by regular brushing and flossing. We’ve developed a set of guidelines designed to soothe discomfort and speed up healing.
Remember to avoid eating for 2 hours after treatment.
Several days after treatment your gums should begin to appear pinker, less swollen, and will bleed less when you floss. These are signs of healing and improving periodontal health. If you have any questions or problems, please call our office. 212-960-8919